It’s Jam-Packed with Everything You’ll Love

by / 0 Comments / 154 View / February 28, 2018

The first Women’s Expo of the season will be held March 10 at the Hershey Lodge and we have some exciting things planned.

Who doesn’t love a great fashion show? Three Little Birds boutique will take the stage to strut fashions you’ll want to be wearing this spring and summer. Models will be showing trendy clothing for the sleek woman as well as from their curvy collection.

What does your handwriting say about you? I’ve worked with women who had extremely small lettering and others who had huge handwriting. Mine is somewhere in between. You’ll learn what your curly q’s and funny faces mean and what it all says about personality characteristics.

Vino—it’s a popular adult beverage of men and women nowadays. Cardinal Hollow Winery, The Vineyard at Hershey, and Paradocx Vineyard will be offering wine samplings. Do some taste testing and then purchase a bottle to take home for a special occasion … or just to share with a friend!

Dawson Flinchbaugh from Flinchy’s Restaurant will be cooking up a meal especially for his audience. You know him by his funny personality and his delicious foods at not only the restaurant but also at events he caters.

Stauffers of Kissel Hill will be showing how we can put together a vegetable or herb container garden. You’ll be able to start the garden inside now and then move it outside later on. You can have fresh herbs all year long!

Many women love theatre, but some of you aren’t familiar with Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre and their high-quality performances. You can see a snippet from the upcoming performance of Show Boat.

The aisles will be lined with about 100 exhibitors who will be looking forward to speaking with you about their products and services. From beauty, finances, home improvements, leisure, retirement living, wellness, and more … it’s all the expo. There will be plenty of opportunities to shop for clothing, jewelry, foods, essentials oils, and more. And LuLaRoe will have the popular Pop-Up Shop there too!

Enjoy a free chair massages, NuFace facial toning and lifting treatment (the 5-minute face lift), glucose screening, and more.

Help out the Girls Scouts and buy a box of cookies from Palmyra Girl Scout Troop 71518. They’ll be in the lobby!

You’re telling yourself you don’t want to miss this event. So go to and now and register for your free admission tickets! It will be a great way to spend your day! BW

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