Give Yourself a Break – 18 Quick, Easy, and Inexpensive Ways to Relax and Re-Energize
by BusinessWoman magazine / 0 Comments / 297 View / December 1, 2016
In our busy, fast-paced lives, it’s hard for women to find even a few minutes to claim as their own.
If your day is jam-packed with meetings, errands, and grocery shopping, consider these quick, inexpensive, and easy ways to sneak in a break. You can recharge your battery and get ready to face your next deadline, hurdle, or load of laundry.
1. Close your eyes and take a deep breath (feel your tummy pooch out). Hold it for a couple of seconds and release. Make sure your hands are open, not clenched into fists. Do it again and this time stay in the moment.
2. Walk instead of driving somewhere nearby. Notice the sights, sounds, and scents you encounter along the way.
3. Take off your wristwatch for a couple of hours. What the heck, take it off for an entire day.
4. Whistle, hum, or sing. You sound great.
5. Try a new flavor of tea or enjoy an old favorite. Hot or cold, it doesn’t matter.
6. Instead of listening to the radio, pop on a CD of ocean sounds or waterfalls. Imagine yourself being on the beach or in a rainforest.
7. Smile for no apparent reason. Do it again—someone might just smile back.
8. Telephone a friend you haven’t chatted with recently. Catch up on what’s new in her life.
9. Splash on a new fragrance at the cosmetics counter.
10. Read a poem or a sonnet or really listen to the lyrics of a favorite song.
11. Laugh. When was the last time you told a knock-knock joke?
12. Share a hug or two. This is great for the hug-ee as well as the hugger.
13. Plant sunflowers. Or daffodils. Or sweet peas. Or basil. Or spearmint. Or …
14. Slow your day down and watch the sun set. If you’re up early, watch the sun rise.
15. Soak in a bubble bath. Play soft music and light a few candles for atmosphere. Leave your cell phone in your purse.
16. Be a kid again. Play jacks. Fly a kite. Pick up a jump rope and start skipping. See if your game of hopscotch has changed over the years.
17. Put in a classic video or DVD. Some of my favorites: An Affair to Remember, Lilies of the Field, Casablanca, The Sound of Music. (Pop lots of popcorn. Don’t fold laundry while you’re watching.)
18. Look through a photo album and be amazed at how quickly your children are growing up. BW
Claire Yezbak Fadden is an award-winning freelance writer and mother of three sons. Follow her on Twitter @claireflaire.
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