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BusinessWoman magazine

Weekend Getaways for Girls Who Just Want to Have Fun!

Nobody understands you like your besties. You can look at one another and not exchange words and know what’s up because your vibe is in sync. Sometimes it’s fun to leave behind the husband or partner and the kids and…

Medical Mistakes Busy Moms Make

Every day, you make dozens of decisions about your health that can impact your well-being, such as whether to tough out the flu or see the doctor; go for a power walk after work or watch TV; or take a…

Get the Girls Together and Join Us!

I hope you had a wonderful summer (and I hate to see it wane). Now we’re heading into fall, and that not only means cooler weather, back-to-school for the kids, and a lot of holiday planning on the horizon, but…

When Colleagues Collide: Improving Intergenerational Relations in the Workplace

As of May 2017, there were 153.5 million full-time and part-time workers in the U.S., according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And composing those current millions, three very different generations—baby boomers, Generation Xers, and millennials—collide. With communication gaps galore…

Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude

Growing up in Pittsburgh provided Leah Staats with a lot of opportunities to enjoy her passion for sports, both as a participant and as a spectator. After receiving her degree in sports management from Liberty University, and eventually receiving a…

Increasing Employee Engagement and Productivity through Effective Supervision

Many organizations today find themselves experiencing high turnover rates, and most managers and supervisors suggest the reason employees leave is for better pay. However, research suggests that most people are not leaving for more money, but rather because they are…

The Employee New Wave: Generational Differences and Adjusting to Changing Needs in the Modern-Day Workplace

Keeping up with ever-changing employment issues can be a fulltime job for employers, and it is a task that now includes managing generational differences among employees and their work styles. As new generations enter the workforce, they bring with them…

Who Needs an Estate Plan?

For many people, their attitude about estate planning matches their attitude about fixing a squeaky hinge or submitting the warranty registration form that came with the refrigerator: They know they should probably get around to doing it at some point….

What is Emotional Eating vs. Physical Hunger?

Emotional eating is using food to make yourself feel better—eating to fill immediate or chronic emotional needs. It is eating urgently and instantly, as a way to suppress or soothe negative emotions, such as stress, anger, fear, boredom, sadness, and…

Planting the Seeds of Knowledge

What happens when two middle-aged women decide to pursue their dream of owning and running a not-for-profit teaching farm? As Bonnie McCann, co-founder of Loaves and Fishes Farm, put it, they simply “manage to find a way to make some…