Category : Uncategorized

11 Must-Have Phone Apps for Parents

Parents have countless reasons to worry about their kids’ safety from the time they’re born right on through the teen years. Unfortunately, technology is a big culprit. Yet, it can also serve to help keep kids safe. Many phone apps…

4 Reasons You Should Vaccinate Your Children

“I’m going to test him for whooping cough,” the doctor said. “But he was vaccinated for it, right? How could he have it?” I asked. The doctor did a few clicks on the laptop and confirmed that my son received…

Heart Health

Heart disease deaths in women have decreased more than 30 percent over the last 10 years. But we need to keep the momentum moving forward by sharing up-to-date information about research and treatments available and the professionals who provide their…

PANDAS Disorder Isn’t Cute or Cuddly

When you read the word PANDAS, you probably envisioned a cute, cuddly animal native to China. Unfortunately, there is nothing cute or cuddly about the acronym PANDAS, which stands for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections. The disorder…

It’s a Mystery

Author Stephanie Hoover has always had a fascination with “all things blood and gore.” And although she said it might have something to do with her being born on Halloween, she also explained that really “there’s no empirical evidence to…

The Future of Higher Education: Accelerated Degrees and Online Learning

Many working women want to go back to school but worry about making it work with their busy schedules and family responsibilities. What they often don’t realize, however, is that higher education is undergoing major changes in order to better…

A Peek to Pique Your Interest

The fourth annual Women’s Expo is just around the corner and we’re very excited to be able to tell you that it will be held at a new location that is easily accessible with plenty of free parking – Millersville…