Category : Health

Walk Your Way to a Healthy Heart

If you want to drop a few pounds, you probably already know that getting regular cardiovascular exercise is an integral part of any successful weight-loss regime. Just as important, though, is the effect that regular workouts have on your heart….

Osteoporosis: Prevention is Key to a Better Quality of Life

One out of every two women age 50 and older in the United States will suffer from osteoporosis or low bone mass—about 44 million people—and many of them won’t even know it until a life-changing fracture occurs. For comparison, 12.6…

Relief for Psoriasis

With proper treatment, symptoms can be reduced or eliminated You first noticed them on your elbows – itchy, sore patches of thick, red skin with silvery scales—and wondered if the markings could be psoriasis. For people suffering from the skin…

How is the Air Quality in Your Home?

You do your best to make sure the house is clean and tidy, but you’re probably missing something. We tend to think of air pollution as something outside: smog, ozone, or haze hanging in the air, especially in summer. But…

The Health Perks of Caffeine

If you’re like many adults, caffeine is part of your daily routine. According to a recent Dunkin’ Donuts study, 46 percent of all U.S. workers feel more productive with coffee. But caffeine’s benefits don’t stop there. The latest research offers…

The Thinking Woman’s Guide to Eating

Whether you’re helping with homework, divvying up the dinner tab amongst your friends, or multitasking on several major projects at work, your brain works better when you feed it well. In fact, scientists in the pioneering field of nutritional neuroscience…

EAPs: Keeping The Pace

As professional business­women, most of us will admit there is evidence of an increased level of stress in our lives caused by the pace of our society and the multiple roles we take on. We try to manage our families,…

A Higher Risk

Most health-conscious women are well versed in current preventative ap­proach­es to reducing the risk of developing major, life-threatening diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. But unless you’ve suffered a urinary tract infection or the symptoms of gallstones, chances are…

Real Solutions to Common Leg and Foot Problems

Maybe you’re tired of the pain in your feet keeping you away from the gym. Or maybe you wish your toes looked nicer in sandals or your legs looked smoother in a pencil skirt. Here are some of the most…

Perimenopause – The Untold Story

Perimenopause, the 2 to 10 years preceding the cessation of menses, challenges 40- to 50-year-old women with the most turbulent hormonal changes since puberty. Such hormonal changes have an enormous impact, not only on her body and how it functions,…